meditation, spiritual, yoga-1384758.jpg

My Workouts: Yoga and Meditation

Howdy all. Tonight’s workout for my own accountability was about a 22-minute beginner yoga. I’m easing into it, because I hate it and I’m trying to love it, because I know how good it is for me!! The heat index in the Sweat Lodge (my garage) was about 105 tonight, which makes it a challenge. The program I did tonight was a youtube workout called Yoga with Adriene (I’ll put a link on my resources page soon). She is great and has a 30-day program you can do. At BODi, we also have several yoga programs, including the 3-Week Yoga Retreat, and I’ll be doing that whole program over the next month or so (alternating with other workouts (body weight, weight training, swimming, etc.).

After the workout, I did a short breathing meditation. I regularly harp on clients about how helpful meditation can be for anxiety and other emotional health issues, teaching your mind to slow down and not react to every thought that goes through your head. But in my own life, I’ve been neglecting the practice myself. So tonight, I started. The heat made it quite a challenge to just sit there, upright, pouring sweat, and dealing with a wandering mind. But it’s a start, and I plan to incorporate it fully into my overall wellness program! I did a short guided one from youtube – I’ll put the link on the resources page soon (or you can look up Kassandra Yoga and find it). I plan on making some videos of my own soon, to add as a resource option for y’all.

That’s it for now! Y’all be good to yourselves and be good to one another! Peace and blessings ~ Jim