lifestyle change, banana, diet-1430599.jpg

Week 1 progress report

Here\’s the results from the first week of my new plan:

Weight down 232 to 228.

Body Fat down 1/2%

BMI down .4

12 of 12 workouts done

6 of 6 Challenge 100s done

5 gallons of water drunk

Daily progress pics taken

5 hours of audio books, 30 pages of reading

Nutrition about 75% – biggest area for improvement, as usual.

Bonuses include meditating four days, flossing 100%, daily Spanish study 100%. Failures to learn from – had a Pepsi 4 of 7 days (down from 1-2 daily, but gotta keep reducing).

Good start! Excited to see what the next 9-10 weeks might bring. When I hit 220 I\’m rewarding myself with a piano. When I hit 210 the reward is a guitar. I\’ve had the money saved forever, but I\’m going to use the instruments as rewards for hitting some goals! \"😀\"