My Workouts – a fave P90X routine!

Tuesday night it was 112 in the garage. Call me crazy, but it felt really good! Well, at least at first…

The workout du jour was Shoulders and Arms from the greatness of P90X, one of my two favorite routines from that awesome program! Shoulders, biceps, triceps, five different moves for each, two rounds. As I am still in “starter kit” mode, I did only one round, plus 100 ab reps, but working out in the sauna definitely made it a good challenge. I hydrated well and got through it fine. Since I long ago memorized the moves, I was able to watch an interesting video while lifting, so I exercised my mind and body at the same time.

A nice pool plunge was my reward, along with a little light stretching. VERY glad to be exercising again. Peace and blessings all! Jim