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My fitness story: Part 1

Hi there! Okay, so I have a long fitness history and don’t really need to detail it here. But let me give you a nutshell version.

I have always been active, in several sports during childhood, adding others along the way – football (my first sports love), baseball, tennis, and later, running, downhill skiing (my biggest sports love), racquetball, mini-triathlons, etc. And I always sort of thought of myself as being “in shape”.

But by my late 40s, I was kind of falling apart. Bad diet, inconsistent exercise, the effects of getting a little older – all of these converged and brought me to a sad realization: I was definitely NOT in shape. As my 49th birthday approached, I saw an infomercial on TV for a little thing called P90X. I had seen the thing before – in fact, I watched it every time it came on! I found it inspiring, but also thought, “There’s no way I could do THAT!”

But that day, watching the show and feeling like garbage, I told my wife, “If you want to get me something for my birthday, here’s what I want.” She was like, “Really??? Well, okay…” She ordered it, it arrived before my birthday, and within a couple days, I began. Rather than writing about what happened next, the video below will show you.

Okay, so it’s not quite the ripped six-pack giant muscle-bound thing that many people are interested in. But for me, it was an amazing outcome!! I got in the best shape of my life, completed two marathons in three weeks AFTER turning 50, and best of all, my bloodwork numbers were astounding – most notably, cholesterol dropped from 215 to 131. I never looked or felt better in my entire life! You’d think that would be the end of the story, right? Happy ever after? Well, I’m happy and all, but the fitness thing came and went. More about that in My Fitness History, Part 2!

Peace and Blessings to you, reader!